Ready To Make That Change?

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and find out how I can transform your life with your dog.
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The Only ABTC Certified Dog Trainer Cheltenham

You wouldn’t take your dog to an uncertified vet, so why do the same with trainer? 

I am Cheltenham’s only dog trainer certified by the Animal Behaviour & Training Council, the only register of certified dog trainers and behaviourists endorsed by the RSPCA and the British Veterinary Association. 

This means I have undergone a rigorous theory and practical assessment, so you can be sure my methods have been judged by the country’s leading dog trainers to be knowledgeable, humane and highly effective.

Chris May Dog Training Cheltenahm photo of Chris May cuddling dog

My Professional Dog Training Memberships

It’s much more than just shiny badges, as my professional dog training memberships mean I have been thoroughly assessed and am committed to codes of conduct to provide the highest quality dog training.

A Unique Approach: Learn To Speak Dog

Does your dog struggle to listen? Or are they trying to tell you something? Maybe their behaviour seems random and confusing?

I can show you exactly what your dog is saying and unlock your ability to effectively communicate back – let me teach you to speak dog!

My unique approach is based on the latest in canine science, putting communication and respect at the heart of everything. I will show you what’s driving your dog’s behaviour and how to quickly get them to understand – all in a way that is engaging and makes them eager to learn.

Proven Track Record

Through years of experience I have helped hundreds of dogs and their owners to lead happy and stress-free lives. From basic training to complex behavioural issues I have been there and done it – and have never met a dog I could not help.

Effective Methods

Whether you would like some general obedience for your adult dog, the best start for your puppy, rehabilitation for your rescue or a behavioural issue you’d like resolved, my proven methods will give you swift and permanent results.

My Dog Training & Behaviour Reviews

Tara HolmesTara Holmes
20:03 05 Dec 23
Chris is an absolutely brilliant dog trainer. My elderly and extremely reactive rescue dog is now able to be walked on leash past other dogs without having a meltdown. The change in his behavior has been dramatic, I now feel confident in walking him anywhere.
Frances PageFrances Page
18:24 05 Dec 23
Chris has given us invaluable advice about Charlie's training; highly recommend him.
shayne ellisshayne ellis
01:25 24 Nov 23
Chris is a good dog trainer - he focuses primarily on positive dog training, great affordability and my Mallinois connected great with Chris so training went great toohe helps you with your training issues and gives you advice that is easy to understand, and will train at your pace.since we started training with chris my malli was a pup / juvenile - he is now a year and half, we get check in emails to see how my malli (Zoro) is doing and if we need to touch up on any training (which i love as we can ask for advice and training tips, and helpful reminders on basic techniques you may not remember)I highly recommend chris to new dog owners, those who need help and those who just wanna touch up on their dogs manners or tricks, he can help you!!!
Gill StollerGill Stoller
17:07 21 Nov 23
I had terrible problems with my Cavalier Bailey, who unusually for the breed had a very strong chase instinct. His recall was really bad and he more-or-less ignored me when I tried to call him back. With Chris's patient guidance and enormous help I have gradually been able to train Bailey so that he will now come to me when I call him. My walks with Bailey have become so much more enjoyable and relaxed.
Marie Ann StrömbäckMarie Ann Strömbäck
17:25 18 Nov 23
Chris IS the dog whisperer! He is extremely professional and knowledgeable and has a tremendous rapport with our dog! I couldn’t recommend him highly enough..we have learned so much with his help and guidance (& patience!) Chris’s training methods have worked brilliantly and we have a happy, lively and well trained hound as a result - Klara, our Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen, is devoted to him!
Emma BakerEmma Baker
20:58 16 Nov 23
We had a few problems with Chester regarding barking and anxiety. Chris was amazing with Chester and taught us some really good techniques. With a few simple changes and some patience , I am happy to say we have a much more relaxed dog.I can’t recommend Chris enoughEmma and Rob
Sarah RobinsonSarah Robinson
16:10 14 Nov 23
I called Chris on recommendation of a friend to help me with Lucy, a rescue Springer. I was cautious of this as Lucy was distinctly nervous around men. I shouldn't have worried. Chris's calm, gentle approach soon won Lucy over, and a few months later she is a bouncy (very), confident dog. Chris also is superb at training owners - whilst I've had a few dogs in the past, he has helped my confidence with Lucy, and I have no hesitation in recommending him.
Stewart NivisonStewart Nivison
14:33 14 Nov 23
Chris did a super job, training Dave and his owners (50/50!), while Dave was relatively small. Thank Goodness he did! Dave is a chocolate Labrador. When you google them, up comes, lazy dogs loving etc etc. Dave is half American! Google American Lab, it comes up with massive animal, super athletic, very loving but masses of energy, super strong, etc etc. 1 year goodness, I am so grateful for Chris's training. Dave is Fabulous and stops when I ask, and doesn't pull, but is still absolutely nuts pretty much the rest of the time. Without the excellent training we and Dave got, Dave would be a nightmare! as apposed to a manageable nightmare of a great dane sized puppy LOL!

One-to-One Dog Training Specialist

Training classes are great, but they can be distracting and unsuitable for work on behavioural issues. As a one-to-one training specialist, every second of our session will be focussed on you, your dog and absolutely nothing else.

Starting with our first consultation, I will create a training plan that is customised to your dog and your priorities. And, as I come to you, all our training takes place in the environments you actually need it to work: your home and on your walks.

Chris May Dog Training - Hands

Positive Training, But More Than Just Treats

I only use training methods that are positive, humane and kind; never any that might cause stress, fear or pain to your dog. Sadly, there are many dog trainers still using outdated, cruel methods that lead to poor results and can create dangerous behaviours.

Treats are an important tool when encouraging behaviour we want, but they shouldn’t be the only focus. I will show you how to get your dog wanting to follow you by using clear, respectful communication and employing a wide range of tactics that work for every dog in every situation.



We All Need Support

Training is a process and takes time. That can feel overwhelming, but I will be there every step of the way. 

Throughout your training journey you will have my full phone and email support, as well as access to handouts and training materials to guide you to that finish line.

When training with me, there will be no-one who wants you and your dog to succeed more. You and your dog are a team and when you work together you will be unstoppable! 

Get in touch today to find out how I can help you get there.

Ready To Make That Change?

Get in touch to arrange your free telephone consultation
and find out how I can transform your life with your dog.
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Congratulations on taking the first step to transform your life with your dog! 

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Congratulations on taking the first step in giving your rescue a new start! 

Please fill out the below details to book your free telephone consultation.

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Congratulations on taking the first step in giving your new puppy the Perfect Start! 

Please fill out the below details to book your free telephone consultation.